
lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

Pakistani Activist Girl Shot

      As she was on her way home from school 14 year old Malala Yousafzai was shot by a taliban militant. This is due to the fact that she had been writing a diary about life under the Taliban in Swat Valley in northwest Pakistan. She had been writing this diary anonymously. She revealed her true identity when the Taliban were evicted from the region. Pakistani Taliban militants reported to BBC that they tried to murder Malala Yousafzai for being anti-Talibán and secular. Although other girls were with Malala at the moment of the attack, and one of them was shot to there are two versions of the events. The first version states that a van stopped and a bearded man called Malala´s name before shooting her in the head. The other version says that the girls were getting in a bus when they were attacked. Despite the events doctors say that Malala is out of danger and will recover.

 The fact that the Pakistani Taliban wanted to kill a harmless girl shows without any doubt that this is a radical fanatical group. First the Taliban have a history of terror and radicalism. Eleven years ago the ruled Afghanistan. During this time period they forced women to wear the burqa which covers the entire body and face, and bombed Buddhist statues in Afghanistan. They also made it against the law to listen to any kind of music. These radical points of view inspired a brave girl such as Malala to write a diary describing the situation to BBC urdu. The fact that Taliban followers tried to kill Malala Yousafzai only confirms that the Taliban are radical and short minded fanatics that think they are always right. This is confirmed by the fact that they publicly admitted to have tried to murder this girl, and more shockingly the reasons why they did it. They tried to murder her for being secular a

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