1. Hades is the Greek god of the Underworld,and Fates Tantalus and Sisyphus
Are some other beings of the underworld.
2. Orpheus can get Eurydice back if he walks out of the underworld without looking back at her.
3. This story can be interpreted in different ways. It can have a meaning of unquestioning what you are told because if you do there will be consequences. Another possible interpretation for the story would be that if you look into the past you will get hurt again.
4. I agree the most with the first interpretation because it is the most evident. Hades tell Orpheus that he must not look back, but if he did he would loose Eurydice. When Orpheus looked back he lost Eurydice.
5. This story is a love story because it talks about Orpheus doing whatever he could in order to get back the woman he loved. This story talks about the kind of love that is impossible due to the circumstances of life and death. Like Romeo and Juliet.
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