
miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

Metamorphoses Questions

1. Erysichthon cuts down the tree because they needed the wood; despite the fact that it was centuries old, or that it was in a grove sacred to Ceres.

2. The term piety means the quality of  being religious or reverent  according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

3. This term relates to Erysichthon because it´s his lack of piety what causes him to cut off a sacred tree.

4. This scene of metamorphoses is similar to The Giving Tree because  In both stories there is a character who wants more, and more. In Metamorphoses Erysichthon wants as much food as he can get ,after hunger goes to him, and in The Giving Tree the bo always wants more things from the tree. He wants his apples, his branches, and his trunk. Another connection between these two stories is the fact that Erysichthon´s greed maks him cut off a tree, and the boy in The Giving Tree ends up destroying th tree because he needed more things from the tree.

5. This scene of Metamorphoses is similar to the passage of Siddhartha when Siddhartha´s father wants his son to stay with him in the Brhamin cast instead of following the path that was right for him. This attitude shown by Sddhartha´s father is similar to Erysichthon´s attitude when he cut down the tree. They both prefer to act on behalf of their own interests rather than for the good of thoes around them.

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